Marina Bittencourt
Founder and CEO,
Ina Budde, MA Sustainability in Fashion, is one of the founders and CEO of '’ a Berlin-based start-up realizing product and system innovation for a circular textiles economy. With a background as international lecturer and consultant for sustainability in fashion, she developed together with her team an innovative platform with tools and services for circular design as well as infrastructures and sorting innovations to empower the use of fibre-to-fibre recycling. At the center of the platform is the circularity.ID, a product identifier which holds material and product data ensuring future reuse, reselling and recycling. Supported by the zImpact program and the FASHION FOR GOOD Plug ’n Play accelerator the team launched 2019 the circularity.ID open data standard and received the GLOBAL CHANGE AWARD 2019 by H&M Foundation.