Clayton roberto
Indigenous woman of the Kichwa nationality and educator
Indigenous woman of the Kichwa nationality of the Panzaleo and Otavalo of Ecuador. She is 25 years old, assumes herself to be an indigenous ecofeminist and bisexual woman.
She holds a Master's degree in Education for Social Justice from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. She graduated from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador with a Bachelor's degree in Education, mention in Music, Language and Movement.
She has been teaching for 8 years in the Intercultural Bilingual Education System of Ecuador. Now she currently works at CECIB Yachay Wasi in Quito with culturally diverse children. In 2013 she began her career as an actress and radio broadcaster in the educational field until 2018.
The last few years she has been dedicated to participate and facilitate presentations at national and international level, as well as in talks, articles, interviews, mobilizations and meetings.